Friday, May 30, 2008

My First Week with the Wii Fit (Weight 326)

My Wii Fit was delivered one week ago today, and my first session with it was last Saturday, seven days ago. I thought it was time for me to write down some thoughts about the thing, especially since I purchased it for the express purpose of exercise as one part (a major part, I admit) of my attempt to lose weight.

I’m not going to go into details, but before you can begin training on the Wii Fit, you must go through a body test which weighs you, gives you your BMI, and puts you through a series of balance tests. Once you’re set up in the system, you can always skip the body test. and go straight to training.

The Wii Fit is set up with four categories of exercises:

  • Yoga
  • Weight Training
  • Aerobics
  • Balance Games

One of the things I really like about the Wii Fit is that it keeps a record of how many minutes of exercise you do during your sessions. You get some number of minutes for each of the possible exercises or games.

I tend to gravitate toward the aerobics section. At this point I’ve unlocked seven of the nine exercises here. They are:

  • Hula Hoop
  • Basic Step Aerobics
  • Basic Run
  • Advanced Step Aerobics
  • Two Person Run
  • Rhythm Boxing
  • Free Step Aerobics

My favorite of these is the Advanced Step Aerobics. In step aerobics, you step on and off a step board. In this version you step on and off from the back and from the sides (both in the Basic Step Aerobics), you do kicks, and you step on the board sideways (placing your feet sideways on the board). The Wii Fit gauges how closely you hit the rhythm, whether or not you’ve used the correct foot, and whether or not you’ve actually stepped on the board. You’re scored by how many “Perfects” you get, how many “OKs” you get and how many “Misses” you have. I have yet to achieve no misses in this game – and that’s one of my issues with the Wii Fit.

Sometimes the step board doesn’t register when I step on it. Sometimes I know it’s my fault, as I’ve stepped in the wrong place, but sometimes I’ve stepped in the correct place and it still doesn’t register the step.

The other problem I have is that I’m not sure how to get “Perfect” instead of “OK” on a step. In the Basic Step Aerobics, a hint told me to step on and off the board more slowly to achieve a Perfect. In the Advanced, it tell me to step on and off more quickly. Sigh.

It does seem to work better if I try to hit the board exactly on the beat, but even then it doesn’t seem to work all the time. And I really haven’t figured out how it decides if you step off the board at the right time. To hit the floor in rhythm you can’t step off the board on the beat, you have to anticipate it.

Nonetheless, I’ve managed to increase my score each day this week, finally breaking three hundred points today.

Personally, I don’t really feel that I’m doing much exercise while I’m playing the games, though I am getting more movement in than if I were just sitting at a desk. And they are interesting enough and enough fun that I might do them outside of my normal exercise window. But you don’t get many minutes for the games, so maybe that’s okay. The Balance Games I have available are:

  • Soccer
  • Ski Slalom
  • Ski Jump
  • Table Balance
  • Tight Rope
  • Penguin
  • Ball in River

My favorites are the Ski Slalom, where I’m just a half second behind my son for first place. J The Tight Rope, where you attempt to cross a tight rope without falling off in a limited amount of time, and the Penguin game, whatever it’s called.

The penguin game is fun and funny. You are a penguin (your Mii’s face is on the penguin), you’re on an iceberg that tilts as you move side to side, and you are trying to eat the fish that jump onto or above the iceberg. Part of what I like is that you can’t lose points by doing something wrong – you can fall off the iceberg, but a second or two later you’re right back up going for fish. It isn’t a slow, try to catch your balance game, either. You can make quick shifts in your balance – in fact you’re required to – and as long as you aren’t too close to the edge of the iceberg, you’ll stay on. This game always brings a smile to my face.

Okay, but that probably doesn’t tell you what you really want to know.

Well, first, it works for me. It works for me because I have very specific goals I can work towards – not fitness goals, but high scores. Something a friend once told me about games has stuck for a long time now – so long as it’s almost out of date. The goal of an arcade game designer was to create a game such that when it ended, the player would think, “If I play it again, I can do better”, which meant the person put in another quarter, and the game made more money.

Well, today I played Advanced Step Aerobics six times, each time thinking, “If I try it again, I can do better”. All of the games and exercises I’ve tried are like that. You get a score which you can then try to beat.

I was up before work every day this week, and spent at least thirty minutes on the Wii Fit every day this week except Monday (a holiday).

One day I had my thirty minutes in, and went back and did Advanced Step Aerobics one more time simply because I wanted to. Yesterday I spent time in the evening just playing the games just because they’re fun.

My calves and ankles have been sore, as have my arms and shoulders (though I’m not sure why on those), and yet I’ve kept at it.

Something there works for me.

Next Friday, I’ll give a report on my second week. Hopefully shorter, as I won’t feel the need to explain so much about the Wii Fit .

    Tuesday, May 6, 2008

    Weight 329

    One might say I had a break down over the last week and a half. One also might say it's obvious since I gained five pounds.


    Hope I can get back on track.

    Friday, April 25, 2008

    Weight: 324

    I've been keeping records since February 11th of this year. On that day I weighed 343 pounds. In something less than two and a half months, I've lost 19 pounds.

    Maybe that's not so bad.

    I just need to keep it up. It's difficult to be hungry so much of the time, especially at home, and it's difficult to try to feed my son and have him eat things that will add too many calories to my intake for that day, but I just need to remember why I'm doing this.

    I'm doing this for me, so I can watch my son turn into an adult, to see how he takes on life, and to be able to him when he needs help. I'm doing this for me, so that I can find a life partner, someone with whom I can share all the things I love and who wants to share the things she loves with me. I'm doing this for me, so that I can go swimming and not be embarrassed. I'm doing this for me, because there is so much I have left that I want to do in my life that I'll need another thirty or forty years just to get it all done.

    I'm doing it for me and I've got 124 pounds to go.

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Weight: 325

    How wonderful! I'm back to what I weighed a week ago!

    (Did you detect the sarcasm in my voice?)


    In speaking with my coach last night, I realized that it isn't exercise I dislike -- it's exercise for the sake of exercise. Walking around the neighborhood. Bleech. I enjoy bicycling -- but I don't enjoy just biking around the neighborhood. If we had a nice big park across the street with a five mile bike path, like the one that's a ways away from my house, I'd probably use it a lot. But I've tried to talk myself into biking out there, and I simply don't do it. It's a fifteen minute drive, at least, add to that the time in sticking the bike on the truck, and I guess I'm just too lazy to go through all that just to get on my bike for twenty minutes.

    And even then, I still don't enjoy it very much. Or maybe that's obvious from the fact I'm not willing to take the time to actually do it.

    Not that anyone is reading this blog, but if anyone does happen to come across it, any ideas for exercise for someone who enjoys caving, enjoys backpacking, enjoys bicycling, but who doesn't enjoy walking around home because it seems pointless -- same for biking?

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Weight: 326

    Since I didn't post yesterday or Monday, here are my weights for those days:

    Monday: 325
    Tuesday: 331.5


    I managed to really screw things up on Monday. Lots of milk, Twinkies, and chips. And I'm paying for it.

    But I received a boost yesterday in knowing that I could possibly earn a lot of money by losing weight. Enough to pay off my car, and do some other things that I need to do as well. I ate just over 1000 calories yesterday, and will eat the same today. Tomorrow might be more as I usually lunch with a friend, and I'm really going to have to work this weekend to keep my eating down, because I'll be with my son.

    But I am determined. If I weren't, I wouldn't be eating 1000 calories even the days I do.

    I will. I shall.

    I'll just keep saying that, and maybe eventually I'll believe it. :-)

    Friday, April 18, 2008

    Weight 325

    Okay, really 325.2, but I get to think 325 anyway.

    Probably had my worst lunch in a long time today -- I ate the forbidden: french fries. And Coke. But darn it, I was going to have to pay for the fries whether or not I got them, so I decided to let them serve them to me and I would eat them. Not a horrible thing, but I guess I'd rather they let me buy the four naked tenders without paying for fries. Yeah, I coulda paid extra and gotten a salad, but I really wasn't interested in a salad today.

    This weekend will be a test -- let's see if I pass. Hmm. I pass with flying colors if on Monday I weigh 323 or less. I pass if I weigh less than 325.2. I fail if I go up.

    I also promised my coach that I'd spend 20 minutes on the exercise bike or Nordic track three times before next Wednesday's call. At least two of those should be done before Monday.

    Until Monday then. Have a great weekend.

    Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    Weight: 327

    All I can say is this is what I mean by motivation. When I see my weight drop like this it gives me a lot of motivation to continue eating as little as I did yesterday. My calorie count for yesterday was 1010, and I got in both fruit and whole grains. My problem area continues to be vegetables, and I think V8 Juice is going to have to suffice for those, as least a lot of the time.

    I noticed the finale of "Biggest Loser" was on last night. It's not something I've watch, it's not something I will ever watch regularly, but certianly it's motivating to see someone who was, in many ways, just like me. He started at 363 pounds and ended at 199. I started at 345, and I want my final weight to be right at 200. I've got a long, difficult way to go.

    But as for today, I'm thinking that 1000 calories will be easy to hit.